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Tarabal and Chandrabal are traditional astrological tools used in Vedic astrology to find auspicious days and times, also known as Muhurta, for important activities.



    The daily horoscopes published in various print and digital media takes into account just the Chandrabal and basic transits which is quite generalistic in nature. A more accurate estimate of a favourable muhurta/day is to take into account just the both Tarabal and Chandrabal into account.

    The way to determine one’s Chandrabala, count the position from one’s natal Moon Rashi to the current date’s Moon Rashi. If the count comes to 1,3,6,10 and 11 that particular day/muhurtha when it possesses positive Chandrabal. E.g For a Leo Rashi native, today i.e 28.09.2024, Moon is that Cancer so it the count is 12 from the natal Moon.Hence today the native does not have Chandrabal.

     Tarabal is derived from the Navtara Chakra, whose sequence  is Jamna(bad)(1), Sampath(excellent)(2), Vipadh(bad)(3), Khsema(good)(4),  Pratyari(very bad)(5),Sadhak(excellent)(6),Nidhan(very bad)(7),Mitra(good)(8) and Atimitra(excellent)(9).

   From the table given above it is very easy to find one’s tarabal.The vertical left hand column stands for one’s Janma Nakshatra and the top horizontal column is the current daily Nakshatra.The blue coloured squares stand for negative tarabal and the purple coloured squares stand for positive tarabal. The numbers in each squares denotes the number (1-9) in the tarabal chakra. For example for a Magha Nakshatra native today i.e 28.09.2024 which is Ashlesha Nakshatra is excellent.The purple square shows the number 9 which is the Atimitra tara and should give auspicious results.

    If either one is positive and other is negative results maybe neutral. For an excellent day/muhurta both Tarabal and Chandrabal should be positive.

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