The much awaited US Presidential elections are scheduled to take place on November 5th, 2024. A pitched battle will be fought between Republican candidate Donald Trump and Democrat candidate Kamala Harris.This elections will probably be most closely fought elections in the recent history. Initial surveys show Democrat candidate Kamala Harris has an edge over Republican candidate Donald Trump.We will use the Kota Chakra an ancient technique of Jyotish to determine the outcome of the contest between the Democrats and the Republicans.
The Kota Chakra is a forgotten technique of Vedic Astrology which is used to analyse transit of the nine planets through the 28 Nakshatras. In the ancient times Kota Chakra was used to predict outcomes of a battle or a conflict.The word Kota in Sanskrit means a fort . The construction of the Kota Chakra resembles a fort a comprises of 4 protective layers. The placement of one’s Janma Nakshatra starts from the North Eastern Corner and the current transits are studied. For our analysis we have taken the transit date of 5th November, 2024 which is the polling date.
Above is the Kota Chakra of Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris is Pisces moon sign and currently undergoing the mahadasha of Rahu and antardasha of Shani (2nd and 3rd Lord) and pratyantar of Moon till December 2024.As per the Kota Chakra. The Kotapal and Kota Swami retrograde Jupiter is placed on the Prakara Wall ( 3rd Layer). ( the calculation of Kotapal is rather complicated, I will take that up in a different article).Benefics Mercury (10th 3rd) in placed in the innermost layer Stambha and Venus in the Durgatara layer is positive but both are placed on the exit path. Mars placed in the entry position ( South East) does not augur well. Saturn though placed in the exit path of North is retrograde so it will be considered entering the Stambha wall which is highly negative.
Note :- Malefics entering indicates the fort is getting breached.Entry direction is NE,SE,SW and NW and exit direction is the cardinal points, E,W,N and S. Benefics entering and placed in the inner walls is considered good for the defence of the fort. In the view of the above Kamala Harris’s Kota Chakra indicates defeat. In contrast let us look at Donald Trump’s Kota Chakra.
Donald Trump is currently undergoing the Mahadasha of Jupiter, antardasha of Venus (3rd and 10th Lord) and prantyantar of Moon running upto the elections. Kota Swami Mars is placed in the Duratara. Saturn and Jupiter is both exiting. Qualitatively Donald Trump’s fort is much better protected than Kamala Harris.
Based on Kota Chakra it is indicated that Donald Trump has a clear edge on Kamala Harris.Donald Trump could end up being the next President of United States.
Note :- The construction of Kota Chakra will be taken up in a different article.