If we take a close look at the foundational chart of Bangladesh, Retrograde Saturn was in Taurus in the lagna aspecting Mars in the tenth house in Aquarius. Maraka Mars ( 12th and 7th Lord ) aspects Saturn in the Lagna. This is an explosive combination of violence and bloodshed through which Bangladesh was born.Moreover Rahu in the 9th house points to inherent presence of religious fundamentalism and also foreign interference in its national affairs. Since its independence Bangladesh in totality has witnessed 29 coups out of which some were unsuccessful.This will continue to be the trend in the future years to come. Owing to the virtue of the fixed Lagna Taurus, the country till date has managed to exist as a nation despite several challenges. Lagnesh Venus has gone into nidhanamsha ( in D9) points to several set backs since its independence to Bangladesh.
On 5th August,2024 when Sk. Hasina had to flee the country, maraka Mars (7th and 12th Lord)was transiting Taurus along with 8th Lord Jupiter, along with Retrograde Saturn transiting Aquarius indicating the demise of the incumbent Government. The current Mahadasha of Bangladesh is Moon and the Antardasha is also of Moon. Moon is the 3rd Lord of Bangladesh’s chart and it is posited in it’s debilitation Rashi of Scorpio. 3rd lord Moon stands for neighbours and also the army.The 3rd house in a country’s chart shows the mentality of the populace. The upcoming mahadasha pattern of Bangladesh of Moon followed by Mars shows a long term period of internal disturbance and economic degrowth. The worst is yet to come.The more Saturn progresses in Aquarius the more turmoil will be created in Bangladesh.
If we examine the oath taking chart of Md. Younus ( taken as 8.08.2024, 9:20 pm, Dhaka), the lagna is the dual lagna of Pisces with Rahu in the lagna which does not auger well for the general well being of his government. As per Simhashan Nadi Chakra , Moon is in Patta along with Saturn and Sun in Aadhar which limits authority of ruler to a great extent. Md. Younus though he appears to be the face of the government will only yield very limited authority. Mars in Simhahasan clearly shows the real authority of the government lies with the army and points to possible coups in the future.
The near and long term future of Bangladesh looks very bleak pointing to social and economic chaos in the coming years with astrological indications of multiple coup attempts leading to social and economic collapse.