
Aug 23 - Sep 22

Virgo Moon Sign Annual Horoscope of 2024

2024 promises to be mixed year for the Virgo folks. Jupiter is transiting your 8th house and will move to your 9th on May 1st 2024. Saturn will remain in your 6th house from Natal Moon throughout 2024. Rahu will transit your 7th house throughout 2024 and Ketu in your lagna . Most of the Virgo’s are having a challenging time since the last few months and will continue to face challenging in the first half of 2024. Once Jupiter moves to your 9th house on May 1st, 2024 , there will be a renewed wave of fresh positivity in your life. Virgos may postpone important decisions till the second half of the year. Second half of the year will shower spiritual growth and pilgrimages. 

Health will be another area of concern for the Virgos with Ketu transiting your lagna and Rahu in your 7th. Virgo folk should really take good care of their mother in 2024 especially during the first half.Virgo folks who are looking forward to publish a book or article can do so in the second half of the year.Virgo folks undergoing martial challenges should maintain status quo atleast during the first half of the year. First half is not a good time for students.Second half is favourable for students especially those appearing for competitive exams.In a nutshell focus of Virgos in 2024 should be their own and mothers health.