
Nov 22 - Dec 21

Sagittarius Moon Sign Annual Horoscope for 2024

2024 promises to be a roller coster ride for Sagittarius folks. Your lagnesh Jupiter remains in your 5th house till May 1st 2024 and then moves to your 6th.  Your 2nd and 3rd Lord Saturn remains in your 3rd house thought 2024. Rahu will transit your 4th house and Ketu your 10th throughout 2024.

First half of 2024 will be relatively stellar that the second half. Take any critical  major decisions before May 1st 2024. First half of the year you will experience lot of positivity and spiritual thoughts. Spiritual visits are also on the cards. Once your lagnesh moves into your 6th house please exercise caution where health and your proffessional workplace is concerned. Ketu in Virgo 10th house may cause obstructions in career. Those in the legal profession may gain.Rahu transiting 4th from your natal Moon is not a positive transit in general.Try not to take any major life decision in the second half of the year.Folks looking to buy a new vehicle or a house this year 2024 may try to pMzostpone their purchases this year.

There could be conflicts in the family so be extra careful with your relations with family members.Saturn’s transit over the 3rd house from your Natal Moon may make your communication rigid and withdrawn. Be mindful of your relationship with your siblings. In a nutshell 2024 is the year where Sagittarians have to maintain balance between their health, work and relationships.