
Jul 23 - Aug 22

Leo Moon Sign Annual Horoscope for 2024

2024 promises to be an average year for the Lions. Jupiter is transiting your 9th house till May 1st of 2024 and then moves on to your 10th. Saturn is transiting your 7th house to your Natal Moon. Rahu will remain in your 8th house throughout the year and Ketu in your 2nd. 2024 could bring fourth health issues for the mighty Lions. Please watch your diet carefully in 2024. Jupiter in your 9th house is a very favourable transit bringing up opportunities for spiritual growth and pilgrimages.Business travel will be beneficial during the first half of the year. Planetary transits will support the important decisions taken in the first half of the year.

In 2024 Lions will spend huge and also in unnecessary expenses. It is imperative to maintain financial balance throughout 2024. Financially 2024 may not be very much favourable for the Leos. Marital discord is also foreseen. Business decisions during the second half of the year should be made after very careful consideration.It’s best not to get into new business partnerships and care to be taken to maintain status quo in existing business partnerships.Leos may acquire a new vehicle during the first half of the year. In a nutshell in 2024 the Lions should take special care of their health and partnerships.