
Jan 20 - Feb 18

Aquarius Moon Sign 2024 Horoscope

2024 promises to be a great year for Aquarius folks. Your Sign Lord Saturn will be in your  Moon sign  and also it’s mooltrikona sign aspecting your 3rd, 7th and 10th houses.Your 2nd and 11th Lord Jupiter will be in your 3rd house till May 1st and then move to your 4th house. Rahu will be transiting your 2nd house and Ketu your 8th house.

Your Moon Sign Lord in its own Moon Sign will do wonders for your health and your professional career. You will be amply rewarded for your work at your work place. Throughout 2024 you can expect professional growth and general success in your projects/assignments. For Aquarian business people 2024 promises to be a favourable year with good profits especially in the first half of the year.  Your 2nd and 11th Lord Jupiter’s placement in the 3rd house aspecting your 11th house of gains , 8th house of hidden fortunes and 7th house of partnerships augers financially very well for business folks. However 2024 may also bring increased expenditure due to Rahu’s placement so please exercise your financial judgement to control your expenditure. Second half of the year is favourable to purchase a residential property.

Please me mindful of your speech and verbal commitments especially during the first half of the year. Some conflict within the family is foreseen in 2024. There could be some discomfort in marital relationships also due to Saturn’s aspect on the 7th and by the virtue of Rahu transiting your 2nd house throughout 2024. However when Jupiter moves to your 3rd it will help you positively in communication and also improving your relationship with your siblings.

Health outlook for the Aquarian folks promises to be good throughout 2024. Those suffering from a pre existing skin disease may find it escalating in 2024. Abstaining from alcohol will give you superior results in 2024. In a nutshell 2024 promises to be a great year for the Aquarians.